
Fields needed to upload and store an engine result using multipart form POST.

link GraphQL Schema definition

1input UploadEngineResult {
2# ID of the task that created this engine result
3taskId: ID!
5# A string containing the engine result.
6# Use either this field, `output`, `uri`, or `file` with multipart form POST, but
7# not
8# more than one.
9outputString: String
11# JSON data containing the engine result.
12# A string containing the engine result.
13# Use either this field, `outputString`, `uri`, or `file` with multipart form
14# POST, but not
15# more than one.
16output: JSONData
18# A file to upload. Use multipart form POST to submit this field.
19# Use this field, the `output`, `outputString`, or `uri` field, not more than one.
20file: UploadedFile
22# A URI to the file. Use one and only one of `uri`, `file`, or
23# `output`/`outputString`.
24uri: String
26# The file name
27filename: String
29# The type of asset to create. Optional -- if not set, it will be
30# deduced from the engine category.
31# See for supported values.
32assetType: String
34# The content type of the file. Optional -- if not set, it will
35# be deduced from the file name.
36contentType: String
38# Whether or not to mark the task as complete. Defaults to true.
39completeTask: Boolean
41# If the result data uploaded is not a valid JSON string, then
42# the task output data stored on the task object will be wrapped into
43# a JSON object using this key. The asset created, however, is not
44# modified in any way.
45outputJsonKey: String
47# Optionally, set attributes about the file
48fileData: SetAssetFileData
50# if true, sets the new asset to be the primary asset of its type.
51# Only certain asset types, such as "media" and "transcript",
52# can have primary assets.
53setAsPrimary: Boolean
55# Skips indexing the engine result, preventing mentions from being
56# generated over the results.
57skipIndexing: Boolean
59# Whether or not to set the legacy `task_output` data for compatible
60# with older clients.
61setTaskOutput: Boolean
63# Indicates that the result is one of a series of accumulated results
64# for a task and can replace existing data.
65# Used primarily by Veritone platform components.
66isAccumulatedResult: Boolean
68# An optional timestamp that the client can send in combination with
69# the `uri` and `isAccumulatedResult` parameters. If set, the uri
70# will only be updated if the currently saved asset metadata is older
71# than the timestamp value.
72clientTimestamp: DateTime