The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4"
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar ID
link Required by
- AddDagTemplateToOrganization
- AddLibraryDataset
- AddMediaSegment
- AddNotificationAction
- AddNotificationTemplate
- AddTask
- AddTaskReplacementEngine
- AddTasksToJobsError
- AiWAREVersionHistoryAiWAREVersionHistory
- AlwaysUpFlowA AlwaysUpFlow object.
- AlwaysUpFlowInput
- ApiToken
- AppCreateContextMenuExtension
- ApplicationAn application is a set of Veritone functionality that customers can sign up for.
- ApplicationBillingDirty
- ApplicationBillingPlanId
- ApplicationConfig
- ApplicationConfigDefinition
- ApplicationConfigDefinitionCreate
- ApplicationConfigDefinitionDelete
- ApplicationConfigDefinitionFilter
- ApplicationConfigDefinitionInput
- ApplicationConfigDefinitionUpdate
- ApplicationConfigDelete
- ApplicationConfigSetConfigInput
- ApplicationInviteRoleInput
- ApplicationJWTTokenInfo
- ApplicationPlatformTODO
- ApplicationResourceInput
- ApplicationResourceUpdate
- ApplicationRole
- ApplicationSetting
- ApplicationViewer
- ApplicationViewerBuild
- ApplicationWorkflow
- AssetAn asset represents a single unit of data, such as a file or URL, and basic metadata about that data. An asset must be contained within a TemporalDataObject.
- AssetSourceDataA structure containing metadata about the source engine and task for an asset.
- AuditEvent
- AuditLogEntry
- AuditLogExportRequest
- AuditLogExportRequestFilter
- AutomateFlowInputInput fields used to create an automate flow. Name is required.
- AutomateRunConfig
- BasicUserInfo
- BatchProcessinterface for each mutator attache to a batch
- BatchProcessActionResultResult for each action performed in the batch
- BatchTDOInputinput for a new batch
- Build
- BulkDeleteContextMenuExtensions
- BulkPackageGrantInput
- BulkPackageResourceInput
- BulkUpdateWatchlistFilter
- Campaign
- CloneAssetIdMapObject that represents the mapping of clone assets to its parent's assets.
- CloneDataMetadata that represents a clone of a recording.
- CloneRequest
- CloneScheduledJob
- Cluster
- ClusterCollaboratorA source ACL grants a single organization limited rights to a private clusters
- ClusterNode
- ClusterNodeUpdate
- ClusterSubscription
- CognitiveSearch
- CognitiveSearchCondition
- Collection
- CollectionMention
- CollectionMentionInput
- ContextMenuExtension
- CopyFlow
- CreateAllPipelineJobsTargetInfo
- CreateAppEventInput
- CreateApplication
- CreateApplicationRole
- CreateApplicationViewerBuild
- CreateAsset
- CreateBuild
- CreateBundle
- CreateBundleSelectDetailTask
- CreateClusterThis API creates an edge cluster for this core Example: mutation createCluster { createCluster (input: { name: "YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME", allowedEngines: ["all"], dockerCredentials: {}, type: RT, containerTag: "YOUR_CONTAINER_TAG", paused: false, memorySize: "20gb", storageSize: "10gb", bypassAllowedEngines: true, collaborators: [], subscriptions: [], tags: ["aiware-agent"], status: active, mediaStorage: core, mediaStoragePath: "", serviceToken: "fake-token", edgeVersion: 3, } ) { id } }
- CreateClusterCollaborator
- CreateClusterNode
- CreateClusterSubscription
- CreateCognitiveSearch
- CreateCognitiveSearchCondition
- CreateCognitiveSearchInWatchlist
- CreateCollection
- CreateCollectionMentions
- CreateContextMenuExtension
- CreateCreative
- CreateCustomDashboard
- CreateDagTemplate
- CreateDataRegistry
- CreateEngineInput fields used to create a new engine.
- CreateEngineConfiguration
- CreateEntity
- CreateEntityIdentifier
- CreateEntityIdentifierType
- CreateEvent
- CreateEventActionTemplate
- CreateExecutionLocation
- CreateExportRequestForTDO
- CreateExportRequestOutputConfig
- CreateExternalCredential
- CreateFlow
- CreateFlowExecution
- CreateFlowRevision
- CreateFlowTemplate
- CreateFolderInformation required to create a new folder. After creation, a folder can be renamed with the `updateFolder` mutation, but no other changes are supported.
- CreateFolderContentTempate
- CreateFolderContentTemplate
- CreateIoFolder
- CreateJob
- CreateJobTemplate
- CreateLibrary
- CreateLibraryCollaborator
- CreateLibraryConfiguration
- CreateLibraryEngineModel
- CreateLibraryType
- CreateMediaShare
- CreateMention
- CreateMentionComment
- CreateMentionExportRequestFilter
- CreateMentionRating
- CreateNextPipelineJobsTargetInfo
- CreateNotebook
- CreateOrganization
- CreateOrganizationInviteInput
- CreatePasswordUpdateRequest
- CreateProgramAffiliate
- CreateRegistrationConfigurationInput
- CreateRoute
- CreateScheduledJobExample to create a scheduleJob: mutation createScheduleJob { createScheduledJob(input: { name: "every5Min" runMode:Recurring recurringScheduleParts: [ { repeatIntervalUnit: Minutes repeatInterval: 5 }] jobTemplates:[ { #clusterId: "rt-242c1beb-653a-4299-bb33-2d8fb105d70b" clusterId: "YOUR OWN CLUSTER ID" taskTemplates : [ { engineId: "9e611ad7-2d3b-48f6-a51b-0a1ba40fe255" webstream adapter payload: { url:"" } }, { engineId: "352556c7-de07-4d55-b33f-74b1cf237f25" playback }, { engineId: "8bdb0e3b-ff28-4f6e-a3ba-887bd06e6440" chunk audio payload:{ ffmpegTemplate: "audio" chunkOverlap: 15 customFFMPEGProperties:{ chunkSizeInSeconds: "30" } } }, { #engine to run engineId: "c0e55cde-340b-44d7-bb42-2e0d65e98255" } ] } ] } ) { id } }
- CreateScheduledJobCollaborator
- CreateScheduledJobContentTemplate
- CreateScheduledJobContentTemplateWithScheduledJob
- CreateSchema
- CreateSourceData used to create a new source
- CreateSourceCollaborator
- CreateSourceContentTemplate
- CreateSourceContentTemplateWithSource
- CreateSourceType
- CreateStructuredData
- CreateSubscription
- CreateTaskFields required to create a task. Used when creating a job.
- CreateTaskLog
- CreateTaskTemplate
- CreateTDOPayload required to create a temporal data object
- CreateTDOContentTemplateWithTDO
- CreateTDOForJob
- CreateTDOInJobPayload required to create a temporal data object
- CreateTDOWithAsset
- CreateUser
- CreateWatchlist
- CreateWidget
- Creative
- CustomDashboard
- DagTemplate
- DagTemplateOrganizations
- DataRegistry
- DataRegistryVersion
- Dataset
- DatasetEntry
- DatasetInput
- DatasetQueryCursor
- DatasetRow
- DatasetRowInput
- DatasetStateInfo
- DeleteBuild
- DeleteContextMenuExtension
- DeleteDatasetPayload
- DeleteFlow
- DeleteFolderDelete a folder
- DeleteIntegrationConfigPayload
- DeleteLibraryDataset
- DeleteLibraryDatasetPayload
- DeleteMentionComment
- DeleteMentionRatingInput required to delete a mention rating. Both the rating and mention IDs must be provided. Only the rating will be deleted.
- DeleteOrganizationIntegrationConfig
- DeletePayloadPayload required to delete an object
- DeleteStructuredData
- DeployFlowRevision
- DisableOpenIdProviderForOrg
- EmitEvent
- EmitEventResponse
- EnableOpenIdProviderForOrg
- Engine
- EngineBlacklist
- EngineCategory
- EngineClass
- EngineConfiguration
- EngineJWTResourceContain resouces of Engine JWT Token
- EngineResultRepresents single chunk of engine results for date range
- EngineResultListRepresents a collection of engine results. Not Paged.
- EngineSchema
- EngineWhitelist
- EngineWorkflow
- Entity
- EntityIdentifier
- EntityIdentifierType
- EntityTagInput
- Event
- EventActionTemplate
- EventCustomRule
- EventSubscription
- EventSubscriptionInput
- ExecutionLocation
- ExportRequest
- ExternalCredential
- FileApplication
- FileTemporalDataObject
- FileWatchlist
- FlowExecution
- FlowRevision
- FlowTemplate
- Folder
- FolderContentTemplate
- FolderOverview
- FolderSummaryDetail
- GetApplicationJWT
- getEngineJWT
- GetEngineJWTResource
- Group
- IDListPaginated list of ids
- InstanceAuditLogEntry
- InstanceAuditLogInput
- IntegrationConfig
- IoFolder
- Job
- JobActionAudit
- JobPipelinedeprecated. DO NOT USE. TODO: Remove
- JobTemplateA job template is a reusable template for job creation.
- JWTTokenInfoContains information about engineJWTToken context
- LaunchDAGTemplateInput
- LaunchJobTemplates
- LaunchJobTemplatesTargetInfo
- LaunchScheduledJobs
- Library
- LibraryCollaborator
- LibraryConfiguration
- LibraryDataset
- LibraryEngineModel
- LibraryType
- LoginInfoContains information about the user's authentication context.
- MediaShare
- Mention
- MentionComment
- MentionRating
- MentionStatus
- MoveFolderMove a folder into a new parent folder.
- MoveFoldersMove bulk folders into a new parent folder.
- MoveFoldersPayload
- MoveTemporalDataObject
- MutationMutations are used to modify data. Each mutation takes an input that contains the data necessary to create or update the data in question.
- NodeModule
- NodeModuleInput
- NodePair
- NotificaionPostInput
- Notification
- NotificationAction
- NotificationMailbox
- NotificationMailboxInput
- NotificationTemplate
- OpenIdProvider
- Organization
- OrganizationBasicInfo
- OrganizationBilling
- OrganizationCluster
- OrganizationInfo
- OrganizationInfoSimple
- OrganizationInvite
- OrgDomainSettings
- OrgDomainSettingsInput
- OrgFileResource
- PackageA Package is an object that groups dependent aiWARE resources together.
- PackageCreateInput
- PackageFilter
- PackageGrantInput
- PackageResourceA Resource is an aiWARE asset that a package is dependent on, such as an application, engine, schema, engine build, and so on. Refer to __PackageResourceType__ for the aiWARE assets that can be added to a package.
- PackageResourceInput
- PackageUpdateInput
- PairClusterNode
- PauseCluster
- PauseClusterNode
- pauseFlow
- Permission
- PingClusterNode
- PlatformInfoPlatformInfo
- PlatformVersionPlatformVersion
- PlatformVersionInputInformation required to create a new PlatforVersion. After creation, a version can be updated with the `setCurrentPlatformVersion` mutation, but no other changes are supported.
- PollTask
- ProcessTemplate
- ProgramMetadata that represents a program.
- ProgramAffiliate
- QueryQueries are used to retrieve data. If you're new to our API, try the `me` query to explore the information you have access to. Hit `ctrl-space` at any time to activate field completion hints, and mouse over a field or parameter to see its documentation.
- RegistrationConfiguration
- RegistrationConfigurationInfo
- RemoveDagFromOrganization
- RemoveTaskReplacementEngine
- ReplaceSavedSearch
- RequestClone
- RevertScheduledJob
- RoleA role signifies a user's permissions within a given context.
- Route
- SavedSearch
- ScheduledJob
- ScheduledJobCollaboratorA source ACL grants a single organization limited rights to a private source
- ScheduledJobContentTemplate
- ScheduledJobDagTemplateConfig
- Schema
- SchemaProperty
- SetAssetSourceDataInput type for AssetSourceData
- SetEngineBlacklist
- SetEngineWhitelist
- SetNotificationFlag
- SetOrganizationApplicationAccess
- SetOrganizationIntegrationConfig
- SetPrimaryAssetInput used to set the primary asset of a given type on a TDO. The type must be supported by the server; primary asset is used by certain engines and front end components. Currently "media" and "transcript" are supported.
- SetTDOSourceDataIdentifies the task that created a TDO.
- Share
- ShareCollection
- SharedCollection
- SharedCollectionHistoryProvides status information on the creation or update of a shared collection.
- SharedMention
- ShareFolderInput
- ShareMention
- ShareMentionFromCollection
- ShareMentionInBulk
- SingleEngineJobInput
- SourceA source represents a source of data and is used by adapters to ingest data into the platform for use by an engine workflow.
- SourceCollaboratorA source ACL grants a single organization limited rights to a private source
- SourceContentTemplate
- SourceTypeA source type represents a category of sources that share common attributes, such as "TV station" or "Real-time camera feed".
- SourceTypeCategorySource type categories are managed by Veritone.
- StructuredData
- StructuredJSONObjectAn object containing custom structured data. This type is not fully implemented.
- StructuredJSONSchemaA custom structured data schema, specified in JSON. This type is not fully implemented.
- Subscription
- SubscriptionContact
- SubscriptionService
- SystemEventInfo
- TaskRepresents a single engine task
- TaskEngineReplacement
- TaskTemplate
- TaskWarning
- TDOBatchbatch type
- TDOBatchJobActionResult
- TDOBatchJobProcess
- TDOBatchProcess
- TDOBatchProcessesInputinput for the query of a batch process
- TDOSourceDataDescribes source information about a TDO. That is, the components and processes that produced it. Each field may or may not have a value, depending on how the TDO was created.
- TemporalDataObject
- TriggerContains information of a event hook
- UnfileApplication
- UnfileTemporalDataObject
- UnfileWatchlist
- UnpauseCluster
- UnpauseClusterNode
- UnsubscribeEvent
- UpdateApplication
- UpdateApplicationComponent
- UpdateApplicationEventEndpoint
- UpdateApplicationRole
- UpdateAssetInput needed to update an asset. The asset data itself -- file or URI -- is immutable. Only supplemental metadata can be updated with this input type.
- UpdateBuild
- UpdateCluster
- UpdateClusterNode
- UpdateClusterStateUpdates the state information for a given cluster
- UpdateClusterSubscription
- UpdateCognitiveSearch
- UpdateCollection
- UpdateCollectionMention
- UpdateContextMenuExtension
- UpdateCreative
- UpdateCustomDashboard
- UpdateDagTemplate
- UpdateDataRegistry
- UpdateEngineInput fields used to update an existing engine.
- UpdateEngineConfiguration
- UpdateEntity
- UpdateEntityIdentifier
- UpdateEntityIdentifierType
- UpdateEvent
- UpdateEventActionTemplate
- UpdateEventCustomRule
- UpdateExecutionLocation
- UpdateExportRequest
- UpdateExternalCredential
- UpdateFlowExecution
- UpdateFlowRevision
- UpdateFlowRevisionHead
- UpdateFlowTemplate
- UpdateFolderInformation required to update a folder. Currently, the folder can be renamed. No other changes are supported.
- UpdateFolderContentTempate
- UpdateFolderContentTemplate
- UpdateJobs
- UpdateJobTemplate
- UpdateLibrary
- UpdateLibraryCollaborator
- UpdateLibraryConfiguration
- UpdateLibraryEngineModel
- UpdateLibraryType
- UpdateMention
- UpdateMentionComment
- UpdateMentionExportRequest
- UpdateMentionRating
- UpdateMentions
- UpdateOpenIdProvider
- UpdateOrganizationFields used to update an organization.
- UpdateOrganizationCluster
- UpdateOrganizationInviteInput
- UpdatePayloadPayload required ro update an object
- UpdateProcessTemplate
- UpdateScheduledJob
- UpdateSchemaState
- UpdateSharedCollectionHistory
- UpdateSourceData used to update an existing source
- UpdateSourceType
- UpdateSubscription
- UpdateTask
- UpdateTaskTemplate
- UpdateTDOPayload required to create a temporal data object
- UpdateUser
- UpdateUserSetting
- UpdateUserStatus
- UpdateWatchlist
- UpdateWidget
- UploadEngineResultFields needed to upload and store an engine result using multipart form POST.
- UpsertEvent
- UpsertSchemaDraft
- Usage
- UserA user represents a user account within an organization.
- UserACL
- UserACLInput
- UserLoginInput fields required by the userLogin mutation.
- UserSettingType that holds user setting for a user
- Watchlist
- Widget